Is it not unfair that exciting things happen to other people? Whatever happens to me, is invariably of the boring kind: Things go wrong, or stuff gets broken. And every day is pretty much the same as the day before. But there are some who seem to have monopolized all the excitement in the world.

Let me introduce you to two very special detective friends of mine: Tom and Lily. They live in a very special world, an English university town called Rompchester. Back sometime in the 1930s. It is quite a magical world, without the actual magic: There are ancient buildings which look spooky in fog (and there is a lot of fog). There are curious men, called dons, who talk of all sorts of curious things. There are laboratories where all sorts of things are cooked.

It all starts with the owl. Tom saves her from poachers in a nightly adventure. But this is only the beginning, because soon enough, Tom and Lily are drawn into a web of theft and crime, and eventually murder.

What would you do when faced with such events? Well, Tom and Lily set up the Walton Detective Society. And start to investigate. No end of excitement follows.

These are my friends. Will they be yours? Well, find out! I hope you enjoy Tom’s and Lily’s first mystery.

Front cover of book case of the Murdered Don